Comfort Incorporated Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Oklahoma City’

Don’t Put Off Your AC Maintenance Tune-Up Any Longer

Monday, April 8th, 2019

outside-air-conditioner-unitThis is the time of year that marks a shift in the weather as we progress into spring and inch closer to the heat of summer. Therefore, now is the perfect time to schedule air conditioning maintenance in Oklahoma City. There are a few basic tasks you can complete on your own when it comes to maintaining your cooling system, like changing your air filter every 1-3 months. But full maintenance that makes an actual difference must be left to the pros!

Only trained technicians can manage the numerous tasks involved with this service, like inspecting motors and electrical connections, as well as cleaning coils and moving parts. You can rely on our staff to provide your air conditioner with top quality maintenance each year.

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Are Your Pets Warm Enough This Winter?

Monday, January 14th, 2019

cute dog under the warm grey blanketChances are, you didn’t expect this to be a title of a blog on an HVAC page. But the fact of the matter is that many of our customers are animal lovers and pet owners, and we want to make sure that when we provide you with heating (and cooling) tips, we’re considering your whole family!

And actually, on that note, it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about winter or summer—you get a lot of use of your HVAC system and other home comfort devices whatever time of the year it is. So naturally, it stands to reason that you’d like to save as much energy (and subsequent money) as possible when using these systems. Which leads us to the struggle that many of us face as homeowners—how do you protect your budget while doing what’s best for your animal?

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Can Damaged Ductwork Hurt Your Furnace?

Monday, December 31st, 2018

Male hands setting up ventilation system indoorsLet’s put it this way—damaged ductwork certainly doesn’t help your furnace, nor your comfort.

We get it, you want your heater to work as effectively and efficiently as possible. Well, then it’s important that you think about the “V” part in “HVAC.” That is the ventilation that connects your furnace (and central air conditioner) to the outside, making the distribution of conditioned air possible. This ventilation system is what’s known as your ductwork, or air ducts, and is usually hidden out of sight behind walls, beneath floors, or in your attic and crawlspace.

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Don’t Ignore These Sounds from Your Heater

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

woman covering her ears, on white backgroundIdeal scenario: you turn on your furnace. It takes a few minutes for the fan to finally start that familiar “whirring” sound, since the furnace heat exchangers actually have to be warmed up by the burners, and the fan doesn’t start going until that occurs. Once you hear that whir, you are satisfied knowing that warm, comfortable air is about to come flowing through your vents.

Other than this sound, you shouldn’t expect to hear much else coming from your furnace. But what if this isn’t the case? What if you hear unusual or loud sounds coming from the system itself, your ductwork, or your vents? Well, then it is time to call in the pros for heater repair in Oklahoma City, OK. In the meantime though, we’ve provided some insight below into what might be going on when you hear these particular noises.

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Is It Too Early for Heating Maintenance?

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

white question mark on blue backgroundThe short answer to this is, “no, never.” Temperatures are cooling down significantly, and it’s just about time to shut off our air conditioners for the season. That also means that, yes, it’s time for this very important HVAC service!

If you haven’t already scheduled yours, now is the time. It is essential to have a fully functional, efficient, and effective heating system in place to get through the chilly winters we have here. And it’s just as important that when you look for an HVAC contractor in Oklahoma City, you seek out a professional who is highly trained and experienced with such a job. Having professional maintenance done on your heater every fall will benefit you in a number of ways, including the following:

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The Effects of a Dirty Air Filter

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

man holding air filter on a white backgroundIf you’ve been reading our blog, you may have seen us mention before the importance of changing your air filter. Maybe you think this is because a dirty air filter contaminates your indoor air, and this is why we urge homeowners to clean or replace theirs every 1-3 months. We understand why you’d assume this, but it’s not actually the case.

The air filter that comes standard with your HVAC systems is in place to block particles and contaminants from damaging the inside of the HVAC systems themselves, by pummeling or jamming the fan or building up on other indoor components. When an air filter is too dirty, it can do just as much damage by now allowing for proper airflow and causing your air conditioner to work harder than it should have to in order to do its job—essentially leading to the need for potentially costly professional AC repair, and maybe even premature cooling system replacement.

Keep reading to learn more about the impact that a dirty air filter has on your cooling system.

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Signs You Need a New AC

Monday, June 18th, 2018

An old air conditioner unit, in need of updating, sitting in tall weedsYour home’s air conditioning system is typically among the most expensive mechanical systems you’ll install. Naturally so, the thought of replacing it isn’t always pleasant for homeowners. But even when we have milder summers, you really don’t want to go without air conditioning—so if yours is ready for replacement, now is the time to start shopping.

When you find what you need, which our team can help you with, be sure to contact us for professional air conditioning installation in Oklahoma City. In the meantime, though, how can you even tell that your existing air conditioner is a candidate for replacement?

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Tips for Hiring an HVAC Contractor

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

technician working on ac unitsBy doing a quick online search, you can certainly find a plethora of handymen in your area who are willing to work on your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system. But that doesn’t mean you should just go with whoever offers the cheapest Oklahoma City, OK AC services when you’re looking to get a new system installed or your existing AC unit serviced.

There are a number of qualities to look for when searching for a reputable and reliable HVAC contractor, which we’ve highlighted below. If you want your HVAC system to be in good hands, follow these tips!

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Do You Want a Reliable Air Conditioner This Summer?

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

woman looking warm in front of fanOur temperatures may be fickle this time of year, but if last week was any indication, spring has sprung and summer is well on its way. Soon enough, you’ll be starting up your air conditioner and relying on it to keep you cool, daily. But can you really depend on your Oklahoma City, OK air conditioner to work as efficiently as you need it to, without breaking down? You can, if you follow the tips below:

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Changing Your Air Filter and Other AC Performance Tips

Monday, April 9th, 2018

top view of an outdoor ac unitIt goes without saying Oklahoma City, OK air conditioning systems are essential to comfortable living in our area. The right air conditioner, when professionally installed and maintained, can help summers become not only bearable, but actually comfortable. Unless a cooling system just doesn’t work the way it should.

Your cooling system might not be running up to your standards for a number of reasons. Maybe it isn’t reaching the temperature setting on the thermostat fast enough, or perhaps you believe it’s costing you too much to run each month. Fortunately, we have some tips for you to follow that will help your air conditioner cool more effectively, and efficiently.

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