If you’ve been reading our blog, you may have seen us mention before the importance of changing your air filter. Maybe you think this is because a dirty air filter contaminates your indoor air, and this is why we urge homeowners to clean or replace theirs every 1-3 months. We understand why you’d assume this, but it’s not actually the case.
The air filter that comes standard with your HVAC systems is in place to block particles and contaminants from damaging the inside of the HVAC systems themselves, by pummeling or jamming the fan or building up on other indoor components. When an air filter is too dirty, it can do just as much damage by now allowing for proper airflow and causing your air conditioner to work harder than it should have to in order to do its job—essentially leading to the need for potentially costly professional AC repair, and maybe even premature cooling system replacement.
Keep reading to learn more about the impact that a dirty air filter has on your cooling system.